JMC/CiCI’s Pizza Expansion – Coppell, Texas
The existing JMC Restaurant Distribution Center located in Coppell, Texas is the storage facility to only Cici’s Pizza food ingredients for their many restaurants located in Texas and adjacent states. The existing facility is a 35,000 square feet building with 9,500 square feet of office space and 25,500 square feet of dry storage space with a very small area for freezer and cooler storage. The JMC Restaurant Distribution Center expansion is a total 6,500 square feet addition which will house a 2,400 square feet freezer, a 3,500 square feet cooler and a 600 square feet loading dock.
The expansion will be located on the rear side (north) of the existing building. The original design was concrete tilt wall panels to match the existing building, but due to another expansion in the near future, the city of Coppell has allowed JMC Restaurant Distribution and Cici’s Pizza to use insulated metal panels as the exterior veneer. By going with insulated metal panels as the veneer, this will eliminate the demolition cost of tilt wall panels for the next expansion phase. The roof will be a flat single ply membrane on insulation, metal deck and bar joist.